Chapter 3 : Classification


Exercise 1

Build an MNIST classifier that achieves of 97% accuracy for the test set.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
import numpy as np

# MNIST changed to
mnist = fetch_openml("mnist_784", version=1, as_frame=False)
# Do this to follow along with Geron
def sort_by_target(mnist):
    reorder_train = np.array(
        sorted([(target, i) for i, target in enumerate([:60000])])
    )[:, 1]
    reorder_test = np.array(
        sorted([(target, i) for i, target in enumerate([60000:])])
    )[:, 1][:60000] =[reorder_train][:60000] =[reorder_train][60000:] =[reorder_test + 60000][60000:] =[reorder_test + 60000] =
X, y = mnist["data"], mnist["target"]
print(X.shape, y.shape)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = X[:60000], y[:60000], X[60000:], y[60000:]
# Shuffling
shuf_order = np.random.permutation(len(y_train))
X_train, y_train = X_train[shuf_order, :], y_train[shuf_order]
(70000, 784) (70000,)
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

knn_clf = KNeighborsClassifier()

cross_val_score(knn_clf, X_train, y_train, cv=5, scoring="accuracy")
array([0.97316667, 0.97241667, 0.968     , 0.96791667, 0.97158333])
# Pretty close right off the bat
# Let's try GridSearch
params = [dict(n_neighbors=list(range(5, 10)), weights=["uniform", "distance"])]

gs = GridSearchCV(
    knn_clf, param_grid=params, cv=5, scoring="accuracy", verbose=4, n_jobs=4
), y_train)
Fitting 5 folds for each of 10 candidates, totalling 50 fits

GridSearchCV(cv=5, estimator=KNeighborsClassifier(), n_jobs=4,
             param_grid=[{'n_neighbors': [5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
                          'weights': ['uniform', 'distance']}],
             scoring='accuracy', verbose=4)
cvres = gs.cv_results_
for mean_score, params in zip(cvres["mean_test_score"], cvres["params"]):
    print(mean_score, params)
0.9706166666666667 {'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'uniform'}
0.9719833333333334 {'n_neighbors': 5, 'weights': 'distance'}
0.9691166666666667 {'n_neighbors': 6, 'weights': 'uniform'}
0.9722 {'n_neighbors': 6, 'weights': 'distance'}
0.9697999999999999 {'n_neighbors': 7, 'weights': 'uniform'}
0.9710333333333333 {'n_neighbors': 7, 'weights': 'distance'}
0.9679333333333332 {'n_neighbors': 8, 'weights': 'uniform'}
0.97065 {'n_neighbors': 8, 'weights': 'distance'}
0.9675833333333334 {'n_neighbors': 9, 'weights': 'uniform'}
0.9689166666666666 {'n_neighbors': 9, 'weights': 'distance'}
final_model = gs.best_estimator_
final_preds = final_model.predict(X_test)
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

accuracy_score(y_test, final_preds)
# Barely better : /, but we pass the exercise

Exercise 2

Augment the training set by writing a function which shifts each image in the training set by one pixel in each of the four directions (up, down, left, right).

from scipy.ndimage import shift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.imshow(X_train[0].reshape((28, 28)))
plt.imshow(shift(X_train[0].reshape((28, 28)), [10, 0], cval=0).astype(int))
plt.title("Down Shift")
plt.imshow(shift(X_train[0].reshape((28, 28)), [-10, 0], cval=0).astype(int))
plt.title("Up Shift")
plt.imshow(shift(X_train[0].reshape((28, 28)), [0, 10], cval=0).astype(int))
plt.title("Right Shift")
plt.imshow(shift(X_train[0].reshape((28, 28)), [0, -10], cval=0).astype(int))
plt.title("Left Shift")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Left Shift')






def aug(x, y):
    new_x = []
    new_y = []
    for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
        im = xi.reshape((28, 28))
        down = shift(im, [1, 0], cval=0).astype(int)
        up = shift(im, [-1, 0], cval=0).astype(int)
        right = shift(im, [0, 1], cval=0).astype(int)
        left = shift(im, [0, -1], cval=0).astype(int)
        for v in [im, down, up, right, left]:
    return np.array(new_x), np.array(new_y)

X_train_aug, y_train_aug = aug(X_train, y_train)
len(X_train), len(X_train_aug)
(60000, 300000)
knn_clf_aug = KNeighborsClassifier(**gs.best_params_), y_train_aug)
final_preds_aug = knn_clf_aug.predict(X_test)
accuracy_score(y_test, final_preds_aug)

That’s a ~0.63% improvement! (Subject to random seeds)

Exercise 3

Do Kaggle Titanic. See here.

Exercise 4

Build a spam classifier…

From here:

> OK, now onto the corpus description.  It's split into three parts, as follows:

  - spam: 500 spam messages, all received from non-spam-trap sources.

  - easy_ham: 2500 non-spam messages.  These are typically quite easy to
    differentiate from spam, since they frequently do not contain any spammish
    signatures (like HTML etc).
import requests
import tarfile
from io import BytesIO

def fetch_spam_tar(url):
    d = dict()
    r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    with, mode="r:bz2") as f:
        i = 0
        for member in f.getmembers():
            txt = f.extractfile(member)
            if txt and "." in
                #                 print(
                d[i] = {"filename":, "bytes":}
                i += 1
    return d

spam_dict = fetch_spam_tar(
easy_ham_dict = fetch_spam_tar(
from email import policy
from email.parser import BytesParser

b = BytesParser(policy=policy.default)
e = b.parsebytes(spam_dict[0]["bytes"])
for k, v in spam_dict.items():
    spam_dict[k]["email"] = b.parsebytes(v["bytes"])
for k, v in easy_ham_dict.items():
    easy_ham_dict[k]["email"] = b.parsebytes(v["bytes"])
['Return-Path', 'Delivered-To', 'Received', 'Received', 'Received', 'From', 'Received', 'To', 'Subject', 'Date', 'MIME-Version', 'Message-ID', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding']
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<CENTER>Save up to 70% on Life Insurance.</CENTER></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 
face="Copperplate Gothic Bold" size=5 PTSIZE="10">
<CENTER>Why Spend More Than You Have To?
<CENTER><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Copperplate Gothic Bold" size=5 PTSIZE="10">
<CENTER>Life Quote Savings
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left></P></FONT></U></I></B><BR></FONT></U></B></U></I>
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#111111 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=650>
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#111111 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=650>
    <TD colSpan=2 width="35%"><B><FONT face=Verdana size=4>Ensuring your 
      family's financial security is very important. Life Quote Savings makes 
      buying life insurance simple and affordable. We Provide FREE Access to The 
      Very Best Companies and The Lowest Rates.</FONT></B></TD></TR>
    <TD align=middle vAlign=top width="18%">
      <TABLE borderColor=#111111 width="100%">
          <TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px" width="100%"><FONT 
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            of dollars by requesting a FREE quote from Lifequote Savings. Our 
            service will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. Shop and 
            compare. SAVE up to 70% on all types of Life insurance! 
          <TD height=50 style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px" 
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          <P><FONT face=Verdana size=4><STRONG>
          <CENTER>Protecting your family is the best investment you'll ever 
      <P align=left><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2></FONT></P>
      <P align=left><BR></B><BR><BR><BR><BR></P>
      <P align=center><BR></P>
      <P align=left><BR></B><BR><BR></FONT>If you are in receipt of this email 
      in error and/or wish to be removed from our list, <A 
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      reside in any state which prohibits e-mail solicitations for insurance, 
      please disregard this 
# Let's make a dataset
import pandas as pd

dataset = {"email": [], "is_spam": []}
for k, v in spam_dict.items():
for k, v in easy_ham_dict.items():

df = pd.DataFrame(data=dataset)
email is_spam
0 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
1 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
2 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
3 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
4 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
... ... ...
2995 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
2996 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
2997 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
2998 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
2999 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0

3000 rows × 2 columns

print(df.iloc[0, 0].get_content())
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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face="Copperplate Gothic Bold" size=5 PTSIZE="10">
<CENTER>Save up to 70% on Life Insurance.</CENTER></FONT><FONT color=#ff0000 
face="Copperplate Gothic Bold" size=5 PTSIZE="10">
<CENTER>Why Spend More Than You Have To?
<CENTER><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Copperplate Gothic Bold" size=5 PTSIZE="10">
<CENTER>Life Quote Savings
<P align=left></P>
<P align=left></P></FONT></U></I></B><BR></FONT></U></B></U></I>
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#111111 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=650>
<TABLE border=0 borderColor=#111111 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=650>
    <TD colSpan=2 width="35%"><B><FONT face=Verdana size=4>Ensuring your 
      family's financial security is very important. Life Quote Savings makes 
      buying life insurance simple and affordable. We Provide FREE Access to The 
      Very Best Companies and The Lowest Rates.</FONT></B></TD></TR>
    <TD align=middle vAlign=top width="18%">
      <TABLE borderColor=#111111 width="100%">
          <TD style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px" width="100%"><FONT 
            face=Verdana size=4><B>Life Quote Savings</B> is FAST, EASY and 
            SAVES you money! Let us help you get started with the best values in 
            the country on new coverage. You can SAVE hundreds or even thousands 
            of dollars by requesting a FREE quote from Lifequote Savings. Our 
            service will take you less than 5 minutes to complete. Shop and 
            compare. SAVE up to 70% on all types of Life insurance! 
          <TD height=50 style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px" 
            <P align=center><B><FONT face=Verdana size=5><A 
            href="">Click Here For Your 
            Free Quote!</A></FONT></B></P></TD>
          <P><FONT face=Verdana size=4><STRONG>
          <CENTER>Protecting your family is the best investment you'll ever 
      <P align=left><FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=2></FONT></P>
      <P align=left><BR></B><BR><BR><BR><BR></P>
      <P align=center><BR></P>
      <P align=left><BR></B><BR><BR></FONT>If you are in receipt of this email 
      in error and/or wish to be removed from our list, <A 
      href="">PLEASE CLICK HERE</A> AND TYPE REMOVE. If you 
      reside in any state which prohibits e-mail solicitations for insurance, 
      please disregard this 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

train_df, test_df = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
email is_spam
642 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
700 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
226 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 1
1697 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
1010 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
... ... ...
1638 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
1095 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
1130 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
1294 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0
860 [Return-Path, Delivered-To, Received, Received... 0

2400 rows × 2 columns

spam_e = train_df.loc[train_df["is_spam"] == 1, "email"].iloc[0]
safe_e = train_df.loc[train_df["is_spam"] == 0, "email"].iloc[0]
# Explore data...
keys = sorted(set(list(spam_e.keys()) + list(safe_e.keys())))
view_dict = {"key": [], "spam": [], "safe": []}
for k in keys:
    view_dict["spam"].append(spam_e.get(k, "None"))
    view_dict["safe"].append(safe_e.get(k, "None"))
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)
key spam safe
0 Content-Transfer-Encoding 8bit None
1 Content-Type text/plain; charset="us-ascii" text/plain; encoding="utf-8"
2 Date Wed, 04 Sep 2002 20:20:31 +0100 Tue, 08 Oct 2002 08:01:04 -0000
3 Delivered-To
4 Errors-To None
5 From "MRS. M. SESE SEKO" <> guardian <>
6 List-Id Irish Linux Users' Group social events <social... None
7 MIME-Version 1.0 None
8 Message-Id <> <>
9 Precedence bulk None
10 Received from localhost (jalapeno [])\tby zzzz... from localhost (jalapeno [])\tby spam...
11 Reply-To None
12 Return-Path <> <>
13 Sender None
14 Subject [ILUG-Social] URGENT ASSISTANT NEEDED Police pay damages to journalist
15 To
16 X-Authentication-Warning Host [] claimed... None
17 X-Beenthere None
18 X-MIME-Autoconverted from quoted-printable to 8bit by lugh.tuatha.o... None
19 X-Mailer Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6900DM None
20 X-Mailman-Version 1.1 None
# Let's get a list of the most common message header field names
from collections import Counter

d = Counter()
for e in train_df["email"].tolist():
    #     print(list(e.keys()))
[('Date', 2400), ('From', 2400), ('Subject', 2400), ('Return-Path', 2394), ('Received', 2293), ('To', 2278), ('Delivered-To', 2271), ('Message-Id', 2233), ('Content-Type', 2059), ('MIME-Version', 1482), ('Precedence', 1422), ('List-Unsubscribe', 1296), ('Sender', 1290), ('List-Id', 1250), ('Errors-To', 1231), ('X-Beenthere', 1225), ('X-Mailman-Version', 1225), ('List-Subscribe', 1190), ('List-Help', 1188), ('List-Post', 1184), ('List-Archive', 1149), ('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 912), ('X-Mailer', 860), ('In-Reply-To', 821), ('Reply-To', 726)]

We’re going to write a pipeline that does the following:

  • Gets text content (either plain text or html)
  • Convert to lowercase
  • Remove punctuation
  • Replace URLs with URL
  • Replace NUMBERs with NUMBER
  • Perform stemming
  • Perform TfidfTransformer
  • Extract the following header values as independent features:
    • “Content-Transfer-Encoding”
    • “Content-Type”
    • “Errors-To”
    • “List-Id”
    • “Subject”
    • “MIME-Version”
    • “Precedence”
    • “List-Unsubscribe”
    • “From”
    • is_attachment
    • is_multipart
    • content_type
import string
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from urlextract import URLExtract
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
import numpy as np
import re
import random

url_extractor = URLExtract()
stemmer = PorterStemmer()

class EmailTransformToText(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(
        self.strip = strip
        self.lower = lower
        self.remove_punc = remove_punc
        self.replace_urls = replace_urls
        self.replace_nums = replace_nums
        self.stem = stem
        self.convert_html_to_text = convert_html_to_text

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        new_X = []
        for e in X:
            txt = self.retrieve_email_text(e)
            if self.replace_urls:
                urls = list(set(url_extractor.find_urls(txt)))
                urls.sort(key=lambda url: len(url), reverse=True)
                for url in urls:
                    txt = txt.replace(url, " URL ")
            if self.replace_nums:
                txt = re.sub(r"\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?", " NUMBER ", txt)
            if self.convert_html_to_text:
                txt = bs(txt).text
            if self.lower:
                txt = txt.lower()
            if self.remove_punc:
                txt = txt.translate(str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation))
            if self.strip:
                # Also removes punctuation completely
                txt = re.sub(r"\W+", " ", txt, flags=re.M)
            if self.stem:
                # s.stem("Goosebumps in a zoo are golden potatoes chaotic beauties will stumbles computers")
                # Out[24]: 'goosebumps in a zoo are golden potatoes chaotic beauties will stumbles comput'
                txt = stemmer.stem(txt)
            if self.strip:
                txt = txt.strip()
        return np.array(new_X)

    def retrieve_email_text(e) -> str:
        for part in e.walk():
            ct = part.get_content_type()
            if ct in {"text/plain", "text/html"}:
                    return part.get_content()
                except LookupError:
        return e.get_payload()

# Just a test
# for email in train_df["email"].tolist():
#     txt = retrieve_email_text(email)
#     if not isinstance(txt, str):
#         raise ValueError
et = EmailTransformToText()
et.fit_transform([train_df["email"].tolist()[random.randint(0, 500)]])
array(['im using simple dns from jhsoft we support only a few web sites and id like to swap secondary services with someone in a similar position we have a static ip dsl line and a number number set of web sql mail and now a dns server as i said we are hosting about number web sites web and dns traffic is almost nothing everything is on lightly loaded apc battery backups so we are very seldom down id like to swap with someone also using simple dns to take advantage of the trusted zone file transfer option bob musser database services inc makers of process servers toolbox courier service toolbox bobmdbsinfocom url number longhorn road winter park fl number number number number'],
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

samp = et.fit_transform(train_df["email"].head(500).values)
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=300)
(500, 300)
# Let's just put each one of these features into our training data
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer

header_attrs = [

def ind_expander(arr, keys=None):
    if keys is None:
        keys = header_attrs
    e = arr[0]
    v = []
    for k in keys:
        val = e.get(k, failobj=np.nan)
        if isinstance(val, str):
            val = val.lower()
    return np.array(v)

def expander(arr):
    return np.apply_along_axis(ind_expander, 1, arr)

mapper = DataFrameMapper(
        ("is_spam", None),
        (["email"], FunctionTransformer(expander)),
prep_train_df = mapper.fit_transform(train_df)
prep_train_df.columns = ["is_spam"] + header_attrs + ["is_multipart", "content_type"]
for col in prep_train_df.columns:
    if col in ["is_spam", "email"]:
    vc = pd.value_counts(prep_train_df[col], dropna=False)
    vc = vc.loc[vc >= 10]
nan                 1487
7bit                 636
8bit                 219
quoted-printable      55
Name: Content-Transfer-Encoding, dtype: int64
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"                727
text/plain; encoding="utf-8"                  508
nan                                           338
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"              250
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format="fl    127
text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"                84
text/plain                                     50
text/plain; charset="windows-1252"             35
multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_nex     29
text/html; charset="us-ascii"                  27
multipart/signed; micalg="pgp-sha1"; proto     22
multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_nextpart_     21
text/html                                      18
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"              17
text/plain; format="flowed"                    17
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; format="     17
Name: Content-Type, dtype: int64
nan                                           1169                            528                184                            112
spamassassin-talk-admin@example.sourceforg     102         76       69       65
spamassassin-devel-admin@example.sourcefor      39                           12
spamassassin-commits-admin@example.sourcef      12
Name: Errors-To, dtype: int64
nan                                           1146
friends of rohit khare <>         528
freshrpms rpm discussion list <rpm-zzzlist     184
irish linux users' group <>       112
talk about spamassassin <spamassassin-talk     104
discussion list for exmh users <exmh-users      76
discussion list for exmh developers <exmh-      69
<>           65
spamassassin developers <spamassassin-deve      39
<>             25
<spamassassin-commits.example.sourceforge.      13
irish linux users' group social events <so      12
Name: List-Id, dtype: int64
[spambayes] test sets?                        23
re: selling wedded bliss (was re: ouch...)    22
re: java is for kiddies                       20
[spambayes] deployment                        19
re: new sequences window                      17
re: sorting                                   17
re: sed /s/united states/roman empire/g       17
re: hanson's sept 11 message in the nation    15
re: alsa (almost) made easy                   15
re: [satalk] o.t. habeus -- why?              14
re: goodbye global warming                    14
re: bad focus/click behaviours                13
re[2]: selling wedded bliss (was re: ouch.    12
re: secure sofware key                        11
re: use new apt to do null to rh8 upgrade?    11
Name: Subject, dtype: int64
1.0                                   1482
nan                                    877
1.0 (apple message framework v482)      27
1.0 (apple message framework v546)      11
Name: MIME-Version, dtype: int64
bulk    1360
nan      978
list      61
Name: Precedence, dtype: int64
nan                                           1104
<>,       528
<     229
<     184
<     145
<mailto:zzzzteana-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.     105
<      35
<mailto:secprog-unsubscribe@securityfocus.      25
<      14
Name: List-Unsubscribe, dtype: int64
boingboing <rssfeeds@spamassassin.taint.or    88
guardian <>    79
newscientist <rssfeeds@spamassassin.taint.    61
fark <>        56
gamasutra <    50
 angles  puglisi <    11
"joseph s. barrera iii" <>     11
eirikur hallgrimsson <    11
ville skyttä <>            11
dave long <>                     10
Name: From, Length: 49, dtype: int64
False    2245
True      155
Name: is_multipart, dtype: int64
text/plain               2108
text/html                 136
multipart/signed           61
multipart/alternative      45
multipart/mixed            38
multipart/related          10
Name: content_type, dtype: int64
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

pd.set_option("display.max_rows", None)

class EmailHeaderTransformer(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self):

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        out = expander(X.reshape((-1, 1)))
        return out

class HeaderArrayEncoder(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    def __init__(self, header_count=10):
        self.header_count = header_count
        self.counter = dict()

    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=header_attrs + ["is_multipart", "content_type"], data=X
        for col in df.columns:
            self.counter.update({col: Counter()})
        exceeding_counts = dict()
        for col in df.columns:
            c = self.counter[col]
            exceeding_counts[col] = Counter(dict(c.most_common(9)))
            c = exceeding_counts[col]
            exceeding_counts[col] = Counter(
                i for i in c.elements() if c[i] >= self.header_count

        self.counter = exceeding_counts
        return self

    def transform(self, X, y=None):
        if not self.counter:
            raise ValueError("Need counter to be initialized.")
        df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=header_attrs + ["is_multipart", "content_type"], data=X
        for col in df.columns:
            c = self.counter[col]
            df.loc[~df[col].isin(c.keys()), col] = "other"
        return df.values

def full_pipeline(header_count=10, tfid_max_features=100):

    email_pipe = Pipeline(
            ("email_to_text", EmailTransformToText()),
            ("text_to_vector", CountVectorizer(max_features=tfid_max_features)),

    header_pipe = Pipeline(
            ("header_transformer", EmailHeaderTransformer()),
            ("header_encoder", HeaderArrayEncoder(header_count=header_count)),
            ("onehot_encoder", OneHotEncoder()),

    full_pipe = FeatureUnion(
            ("email_pipe", email_pipe),
            ("header_pipe", header_pipe),
    return full_pipe

pipe = full_pipeline(header_count=10, tfid_max_features=500)
X = pipe.fit_transform(train_df["email"].values)
y = train_df["is_spam"].values
X_test = pipe.transform(test_df["email"].values)
y_test = test_df["is_spam"].values
print(X.shape, y.shape)
(2400, 583) (2400,)
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, accuracy_score, precision_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

lr_clf = LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs", max_iter=10000, random_state=42)

cv_scores = cross_val_score(lr_clf, X, y, cv=10, scoring="accuracy")
print(cv_scores.mean()), y)

preds = lr_clf.predict(X_test)

print(f"Recall: {recall_score(y_test, preds)}")
print(f"Precision: {precision_score(y_test, preds)}")
[0.99583333 1.         0.99166667 0.99166667 0.99166667 0.9875
 0.9875     0.99583333 0.99583333 1.        ]
Recall: 0.9661016949152542
Precision: 0.991304347826087

This is pretty good. One of the main differences between this and Geron’s is that he includes the number of words that don’t appear in the vocabulary…